Wednesday, November 27, 2013



Angirus is the only monster to "speak" to Godzilla though out the series. Angirus can roll into a ball like an armadillo. He can also breath compressed air to blow away opponents.

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Megalon is just as strong as Gigan. Megalon has drills for hands and can burrow under ground at fast paces. He can shoot a laser from his horn that is pure lightning. He can also shoot a ball of lightning from his horn.




Is one of the four guardians. He is a weaker monster and only has two known unnatural weapons. He can shoot a laser from his horn and burrow under ground. He can travel  twice as fast under ground compared to land travel.




Zilla is pretty much a pathetic Godzilla. He can breath fire. Hes fast. But he is half the size.

King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah is the strongest evil monster there is known to man. He has killed Mothra and many other creatures. King Ghidorah can shoot lightning out of his Three heads and is so strong that Godzilla has trouble killing him.

Des-Ghidorah (Death Ghidorah)

 A slightly less powerful form of  Ghidorah that spits fire instead of lightning. He also has four legs. can fly if he has enough power.

Kieser Ghidorah

This form is more powerful than regular Ghidorah has all the looks of Des-Ghidorah. Can use all the powers of regular Ghidorah. Can also suck the energy out of other monsters.

Grand Ghidorah

Grand Ghidorah is the most powerful form of the Ghidorah chain. He has all of the Ghidorah powers and looks like the original Ghidorah.

no picture available.



Destroyah is another of the strongest monsters around. He stands about 500 feet tall and is taller than Burning Godzilla. He successfully killed Junior Godzilla and then was defeated by (believe it or not) the military. Destroyah has massive wings and can fly.  Destroyah also has a beam that destroys the oxygen in the air and water. His horn can shoot a red laser. His tail can create a purple ball of energy and throw it at his enemies. His tail is strong enough to pick up Godzilla and carry him forever.


Gigan is one of the strongest monsters out there! He can shoot a laser out of his one eye. He has a buzz saw on his belly that can spin fast enough to slice Godzilla in half! He has explosive tip sword arms in another version.

Super Gigan

Super Gigan is even stronger and faster. He can shoot spikes with chains attached that can resist Godzilla beam! His laser stops just before it hits the target and then explodes twice as badly. His only known weakness is a straight Godzilla beam to the face.

Devil Gigan
No information available


Mothra is quite weak. She has some powers but not a lot. If  you've read my other posts then you know what she looks like but if not there will be a picture. Mothra unlike most other monsters has her own series. Most of the time Mothra dies and her children have to defeat Godzilla. In her larva form she has only two powers and that is, she can spit webs or shoot a laser of green energy out of her chest. In her adult form she can shoot lightning out of here wings, she can shoot lasers out of her antennae. She also demonstrates that she can go through time. Most monsters kill her easily but none can seem to kill her children. Even though they some times take devastating blows to the head they remain alive.

Eternal Mothra

Mothra in this form is all powerful. She demonstrates the ability to defeat Grand Ghidorah with one fatal blow. Her power and endurance skyrocket to supreme. Even Godzilla would not be able to defeat her.

Aqua Mothra

This form she obtains to defeat Dagarla the aqua beast. She can split herself up into millions of her smaller forms. She can also shoot a X laser out of her head. She can also create whirlpools and typhoons.


Godzilla stared in his first movie in 1954, the name of the movie was Godzilla: king of the monsters. the movie was actually not very well known here in the states. It wasn't till 1958 that Godzilla hit the states. Its been over fifty years since and the next movie is a remake of the original (or a cheap rip off).

Godzilla has  few characteristics that are permanent such as the glowing spines on his back that signal his nuclear fire is about to burst. He has a massive tail to smash buildings with. His arms are perfect for tearing into enemies. His nuclear ray destroys entire battle ships. He stands any where from 400-650 feet tall (depends on series of movies). He has a nuclear pulse/ He glows really bright and explodes. He can regrow an entire body if the heart is still intact. No normal monster an defeat him.

Burning Godzilla
Burning Godzilla only appears in one movie. He Has all the characteristics of Godzilla and then some. The things that are different are that he has a freakish glow all over his body and that His beam changes color. Burning Godzilla remains just as strong if not more so. The odd glowing is do to his heart starting to heat up until it melted him down to nothing.

Super Godzilla
Super Godzilla has a lot different and doesn't even show in the movies. He is in one of the other games. He still attains his blue ray and glowing spines. He now though has the ability to shoot a blue laser from his chest. His beam also spirals as it comes out doing even more damage.

Space Godzilla
Space Godzilla is not good at all like the others. He has a red beam that bends as it comes at the target. He kinda looks like Super Godzilla, although he is a bit different. He can also shoot out lases out of his shoulders. His spines do not glow. He can fly by using telepathy. He can also make crystals grow out of the ground and throw them at his enemies. Only known weakness is to destroy the shoulder crystals.

Junior Godzilla
Junior Godzilla is the son of Godzilla recorded as the only monster fight Godzilla casualty. He was killed by Destroyah, Destroyah bit into his neck and he bled to death. Junior was then revived by Burning Godzilla when he was about to melt down. He basically passed radiation on.

Godzilla's friends/enemies

Godzilla is undoubtedly my favorite thing. He is so awesome his power is unimaginable. He has fought over 40 different creatures and not one has ever claimed his life. standing at over 600 feet tall and breathing nuclear fire nothing is threat to him. His scaly skin and powerful tail are a few things that have changed over the years.

This image is just the most famous Godzilla characters. Rodan is on the far left. Angirus is next to Rodan. King Ghidorah  is the massive three headed dragon. Godzilla is the one on the far right. Gigan is the smaller one next to Godzilla. Mothra is just as famous and i will add links to what they look like.


Godzilla: King Of The Monsters

King Ceaser

King Ghidorah

Mecha Godzilla




Space Godzilla

Super Gigan
