Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Godzilla stared in his first movie in 1954, the name of the movie was Godzilla: king of the monsters. the movie was actually not very well known here in the states. It wasn't till 1958 that Godzilla hit the states. Its been over fifty years since and the next movie is a remake of the original (or a cheap rip off).

Godzilla has  few characteristics that are permanent such as the glowing spines on his back that signal his nuclear fire is about to burst. He has a massive tail to smash buildings with. His arms are perfect for tearing into enemies. His nuclear ray destroys entire battle ships. He stands any where from 400-650 feet tall (depends on series of movies). He has a nuclear pulse/ He glows really bright and explodes. He can regrow an entire body if the heart is still intact. No normal monster an defeat him.

Burning Godzilla
Burning Godzilla only appears in one movie. He Has all the characteristics of Godzilla and then some. The things that are different are that he has a freakish glow all over his body and that His beam changes color. Burning Godzilla remains just as strong if not more so. The odd glowing is do to his heart starting to heat up until it melted him down to nothing.

Super Godzilla
Super Godzilla has a lot different and doesn't even show in the movies. He is in one of the other games. He still attains his blue ray and glowing spines. He now though has the ability to shoot a blue laser from his chest. His beam also spirals as it comes out doing even more damage.

Space Godzilla
Space Godzilla is not good at all like the others. He has a red beam that bends as it comes at the target. He kinda looks like Super Godzilla, although he is a bit different. He can also shoot out lases out of his shoulders. His spines do not glow. He can fly by using telepathy. He can also make crystals grow out of the ground and throw them at his enemies. Only known weakness is to destroy the shoulder crystals.

Junior Godzilla
Junior Godzilla is the son of Godzilla recorded as the only monster fight Godzilla casualty. He was killed by Destroyah, Destroyah bit into his neck and he bled to death. Junior was then revived by Burning Godzilla when he was about to melt down. He basically passed radiation on.

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