Wednesday, November 27, 2013

King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah is the strongest evil monster there is known to man. He has killed Mothra and many other creatures. King Ghidorah can shoot lightning out of his Three heads and is so strong that Godzilla has trouble killing him.

Des-Ghidorah (Death Ghidorah)

 A slightly less powerful form of  Ghidorah that spits fire instead of lightning. He also has four legs. can fly if he has enough power.

Kieser Ghidorah

This form is more powerful than regular Ghidorah has all the looks of Des-Ghidorah. Can use all the powers of regular Ghidorah. Can also suck the energy out of other monsters.

Grand Ghidorah

Grand Ghidorah is the most powerful form of the Ghidorah chain. He has all of the Ghidorah powers and looks like the original Ghidorah.

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