Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Mothra is quite weak. She has some powers but not a lot. If  you've read my other posts then you know what she looks like but if not there will be a picture. Mothra unlike most other monsters has her own series. Most of the time Mothra dies and her children have to defeat Godzilla. In her larva form she has only two powers and that is, she can spit webs or shoot a laser of green energy out of her chest. In her adult form she can shoot lightning out of here wings, she can shoot lasers out of her antennae. She also demonstrates that she can go through time. Most monsters kill her easily but none can seem to kill her children. Even though they some times take devastating blows to the head they remain alive.

Eternal Mothra

Mothra in this form is all powerful. She demonstrates the ability to defeat Grand Ghidorah with one fatal blow. Her power and endurance skyrocket to supreme. Even Godzilla would not be able to defeat her.

Aqua Mothra

This form she obtains to defeat Dagarla the aqua beast. She can split herself up into millions of her smaller forms. She can also shoot a X laser out of her head. She can also create whirlpools and typhoons.

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